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Resolution to allow abortion in UAE passed

Resolution to allow abortion in UAE passed
 Resolution to allow abortion in UAE passed

ABU DHABI: The UAE Cabinet has approved a resolution allowing abortion of pregnancies caused by sexual abuse or mihram with certain conditions.

According to the official English newspaper of the UAE, Cabinet Resolution No. (44) of the Medical Liability Law 2024 states that abortion is permitted "if the pregnancy has been caused by sexual abuse of a woman or without her consent." Or the person who caused the pregnancy is the woman's mahram.

Under the resolution, abortion will be allowed up to 120 days and will apply to those who have resided in the UAE for at least one year. The process of abortion should be free from medical complications and ensure the safety of women's lives.

"We need more legislation to protect women, children and families," a senior UAE official told a state-run newspaper correspondent.

This resolution will come into force after ratification by the President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates.

It should be noted that in the United Arab Emirates, there are strict laws to punish those accused of sexual assault. Rape is punishable by life imprisonment and if the victim is under 18 years of age or an older woman who is unable to resist due to physical disability, then the accused can be sentenced to death.

Besides, if the person guilty of sexual assault is the mahram or unmarried relative of the victim girl or woman, the death penalty can also be imposed in such a case.

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