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Why do Egomaniac Pioneers Wage War on Humankind?

Why do Egomaniac Pioneers Wage War on Humankind?
 Why do Egomaniac Pioneers Wage War on Humankind?

Pioneers who can not think as ordinary human creatures select war

Pioneers who see humankind less than in rise to human status are amazingly gullible around their possess nature of being a human — missing ethical, otherworldly and mental act of adjusting the awareness" or locked in in competitive numbers recreations to raise their possess picture in worldwide control and impact over others. They utilize elements of absolutism and forceful behavior to control the frail and powerless individuals.

"Man (human being) was made by God within the best possible mould”, explains the Divine account but human differences may be a common wonder and its results are distant past the conception of right and off-base or ethicalness and bad habit. Individuals and countries endeavor to compete for triumph and radiance inferring changed strategies of political control, media purposeful publicity, mental and other weapons of mass annihilation. Unexpectedly, human minds with typical awareness would not seek after oppression, forceful behavior, killings and annihilation of other countries, societies and civilizations. It is the unusual intellect, political control, ravenousness, and contempt and some of the time ethnic matchless quality that creates them to act unreasonably and strangely most exceedingly bad than wild mammoths.

The living Soil keeps up 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen to bolster all shapes of life and innovation on this planet. We hold ethical and otherworldly solidarity as a establishment of the holiness of life and unanimity of mankind. All human creatures are composed of fabric and otherworldly components to prosper life. In case they breathe oxygen and their hearts beat, God is there. Is there an individualistic mental, ethical and otherworldly issue of adjusting act with PM Netyanhu and President Joe Biden to act regularly for an quick ceasefire and peace in Gaza? Both have special characteristics to be analyzed and reflected for being uninterested to peace and supportive of war on Gaza and killings of nearly 36,000 or more blameless individuals and a few 15,000 children and ladies and supposedly a few 14, 000 children and ladies still buried in different areas of Gaza. In case Netanyahu claims a few morality-how misleading it is utilized to bomb places of adore, healing centers and make the Gazan civilians starve for a few months. Biden in a US Presidential decision year and Netanyahu for his claim political survival show up to be competing for eminence and victory by using off-base considering, off-base strategies and for the off-base reasons. Wars and bombarding and annihilation of mankind don't deliver peace and societal agreement, be it in Israel, Palestine or the US.

 Masses against War as Wars don't Create Peace and Concordance

The voices of open awareness resound over numerous landmasses to " Halt the War in Gaza”, "Let Palestinians Live”, and halt the "Wrongdoings against Humankind by America and Israel.” No ponder who tunes in to these internal voices of humankind when unabated bombardments are crushing lives and human environments without any responsibility. The ICJ inquiring for a stop to the war and the ICC risk of the capture warrants of Israeli pioneers went unnoticed.

This end of the week, Israeli media detailed more than 120,000 citizens in Tel Aviv requesting evacuation of PM Netanyahu, the conclusion of war on Gaza and secure return of 134 prisoners. The center of twisted gravity and retribution is PM Netanyahu and his war cabinet and energetic sentence structure to command the world is the White House.

Life itself could be a trial to individuals and countries and saturated with a judicious choice to be equitable or fiendish monger on this planet. Are there any lessons to be learned from developmental history? Do human societies and civilizations develop out of the defamed decrees of run the show of law, flexibility, equity, pitilessness, occupation and success of other lands? The Soil could be a sacred believe to mankind and may be a living organ drifting in space by the Will of God and supports all life and aggressors are cautioned by the Divine order:

"Say! Travel through the soil; And see what was the conclusion of those who rejected Truth.” The developing wars and pulverization of Soil and human living spaces over Gaza and past are barefaced infringement of that Believe between Man and God and call for awakening of human inner voice and soul:

"Really Man is to his Ruler, thankless which (truth) he bears witness (by his deeds.):



The Qur'an).

Political Evil and Human Nature

Is evil portion of human nature? It appears that man is a "contentious" creature by nature. A sound struggle investigation and seek for peace includes tuning in and learning to unique perspectives and finding a common put of thinking without concurring or opposing this idea to halt the fighting. This appears viable communication and illuminated authority characteristics. Why do pioneers ended up forceful and act like egomaniacs? Basically put, they need their claim intellect, judgment skills and sense of judicious being and intensely depend on advisors to make decisions or they fear the obscure to be replaced or their inward shortcomings overpower their qualities to act nonsensically in circumstances of emergency.

I inquired this address to numerous recognized universal researchers counting Robert Burrowes and Robert (Sway) Kohoeler to know and illuminate the knowledge-based interest. Regularly reason has its limits but information knows no bound and worldwide undertakings are a shared undertaking. Teacher Robert J. Burrowes and Anita (Australia), require no presentation as researchers and Facilitator of the "Worldwide Non-Violence Peace Movement”:


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